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Master Plumber, 3/8" ID x 5/8" OD, Black, Fuel Line Reinforced PVC Hose, Excellent For Lawn & Garden Equipment Fuel Lines, Not For Use In Under Hood, Applications, Suitable For Use With Petroleum Based Products, Oil & Grease Resistant, Temperature Range 15 To 150 Degrees Fahrenheit, Working Pressure 80 PSI At 70 Degrees Fahrenheit, Dispenser Box.
ProLine 1/2 In. CPVC x 3/8 In. C Quarter Turn Angle Valve
ProLine 1/2 In. FIPS x 3/4 In. MHT Brass Cast Iron Lawn Sillcock
Schedule 40 DWV PVC Pipe Adapter Bushing, 4-In. Spigot x 3-In. Hub
Simmons 1-1/4 In. 200 psi Bronze Foot Valve, Lead Free
Simmons 1 In. 200 psi Bronze Foot Valve, Lead Free